
Despite how accessible our world is, traditional wheelchairs that are propelled purely by the arm strength of the rider are not always easy to manage. If you, or someone you know gets around with the assistance of a traditional wheelchair, you likely have experienced a situation where they needed help.

While the easy answer to this seemingly insurmountable problem may be to obtain a motorized wheelchair, doing so is not so convenient. Perhaps their budget does not allow it, or maybe their living circumstances do not permit them to transport it to different locations easily.

These issues should no longer limit a person’s mobility and freedom whatsoever! Why? We have engineered a solution to give every wheelchair owner independence, unlike ever before, with the EZRide+.

What is the EZRide+?

EZRide+ is a compact device that gives traditional wheelchair users the power of a motorized wheelchair without the massive price tag. It connects with your own wheelchair, converting it into a motorized unit. It ranges in speed from 3 to 12 miles per hour, but there’s certainly more to it than that.

The pull of the EZRide+ puts out enough power to haul up to 300 pounds without taxing the mechanics or the battery. This is a testament to the strength of the physical construction itself, as it easily attaches to the front of just about any wheelchair ranging from 14 to 22 inches.

Powering your own wheelchair manually is already physically demanding, so adding in the rough terrain of our imperfect world only increases the resistance. Luckily, EZ Ride is great on grass or dirt roads, and even unlevel terrain can be handled .

Other Benefits of the EZRide+

In addition to those features mentioned above, here are other benefits of the EZRide+ sure to appeal to a wide variety of traditional wheelchair owners:

Lightweight Design – Weighing in at only 30 pounds, the EZRide+ is preferable to motorized alternatives in that it can be folded up and stored easily in the trunk or back seat of a car.

Easily Rechargeable Battery – Plug-in overnight to ride all day! The EZRide+ has a fully rechargeable battery that holds a charge for many hours of transport each day, far outpacing the traditional range one may need for daily usage.

360-Degree Turn Radius – Turn on a dime with the EZRide+! Its patent-pending design allows users to pivot their wheelchair quickly and safely, saving an individual from constantly using their arms to back up and turn around manually.

3 convenient speeds with built in CRUISE CONTROL allows for easy walks with Family and Friends.

Buy Your EZRide+ Today!

Don’t waste another minute limiting yourself from getting around with ease in your traditional wheelchair — invest in your EZRide+ today! We are currently fulfilling pre-orders and offering affordable monthly financing options to those that qualify.